+1 (905) 495 3200  info@rcimm.com 

Tips to prepare for interviews

  • Work on your English - Improving your English language abilities is one of the key strategies for acing the interview. During the interview, a visa officer will evaluate your language abilities. Therefore, be sure to practise increasing your fluency.
  • Research: Its is important so that you can respond to any inquiries about the city, your place of higher learning, and your programme. Spend some time learning about Canadian culture in general and how classrooms operate.
  • Financial Plans - It's crucial that you review your financial goals, spending plan, and budget. Any questions about this should be able to be addressed by you. The police might inquire about the financial situation of your family. You should also be aware of any financial loans that you or your family members may have taken.

Practice: Before the interview, be sure to practice sufficiently. Ensure that your body language is appropriate. Additionally, you and your family members can practice interviews at home.

Study visa interview tip


  • Dress well: Wear professional attire; present yourself nicely, it will create a favourable initial impression.
  • Punctuality - Being on time is one of the most crucial things. The interviewer will not be impressed if you arrive late. Additionally, because interviewers are pressed for time, being late may result in a hurried interview.
  • Body language: Walk confidently into the room, smile. Pay close attention to any questions the visa officer may have. Give a response that is precise and clear..
  • Be honest during the interview: The interviewer only wants to see if you have a sincere interest in studying abroad. 

Information Centre

Royal Canadian Immigration brings you the latest updates on the developments in Canadian Immigration Programs.

4,750 candidates were invited in the latest all-program Express Entry draw on November 9

This is the tenth all-program Express Entry draw this year. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship...

Express Entry draw 23rd Nov

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has issued 4,750 invites to candidates in the...

International Student Fraud: Measures and Support by the Canadian Government

The Honorable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC), recently add...

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